Dagens Ungdom UB

We're a bunch of girls from Vadsø VGS, we have started the youth now Today's Youth DP! We stock a magazine, and we hope you like it! We are six girls from Vadsø VGS who have started a youth where we will write, design and produce a magazine for young people. Our focus is mainly girls, but anyone can of course buy the magazine when it comes out!

There will be three editions: one before Christmas in 2013 and two in the first half of 2014. Currently, the price is set at 40 kr. We hope as many people as possible will buy and read what we write about. You may want to provide input on what you would like us to include in the magazine.

In each issue there will be an interview, if you want to be interviewed, simply contact us.

Contact: dagensungdom@yahoo.com here or on our Facebook page :-)

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